Enterprise Mobile Communications

Consumers around the world rely on their mobile phones to navigate their lives. Mobile is the de facto digital channel to communicate with brands. How consumers engage with mobile defines how they communicate, shop and engage with businesses.

AL-UFEQ has evolved alongside the SMS industry, creating flexible, market-based solutions since 2013.

AL-UFEQ mobile communications platform allows you to automate, manage and send your campaigns across all channels —from SMS to email to push notifications—from a single web portal. You can create integrated programs by using SMS, email, voice, push notifications, and Viber—no technical knowledge needed! Optimize your campaigns with detailed reports across all communications channels.

Omni channel syncs communications together

Select a single channel or integrate multiple channels together through web portal or API.

Two Way SMS:

Create a two-way dialogue to reach and engage customers in over 50 countries.


Automated text to speech service delivers converted or pre-recorded voice messages directly to users' mobile phones.

Chat Apps:

Send rich 1-way or 2-way messages through Viber. This channel needs to be used together with SMS, since Viber is not available on every user’s phone.

Number Lookup:

Check number validity and status in real-time on a global scale. Increase conversion rates and save money by targeting real, active mobile numbers.

Push Notifications:

Optimize your mobile apps and get actionable insights with targeted push notifications.


Launch rich email campaigns and get reporting on the program’s performance.